Seeeds ReSpeaker 6-Mic Circular Array Kit is an extension board, aka HAT designed for Raspberry Pi. It's a circular microphone array kit, comes with six microphones and designed for AI and voice applications. That means you can build a more powerful and flexible voice product with Raspberry Pi which can integrate Amazon Alexa Voice Service, Google Assistant, and so on.ReSpeaker 6-Mic Circular Array Kit for Raspberry Pi consists of two boards, one is voice accessory HAT, another is six microphones circular array.
2 ADC chips and 1 DAC chip 8 input and 8 output channels Six microphones array Grove support Compatible with Raspberry Pi 40-pin headers Headset and speaker voice output Applications: Smart speaker Intelligent voice assistant systems Voice recorders Voice conferencing system Meeting communicating equipment Voice interacting robot Car voice assistant Other scenarios need voice command
Product Name
ReSpeaker 6 Microphone Circular Array Add On Board for Raspberry Pi