How eInvoicing works:

- Invoices are created by our billing system and sent to our eInvoicing partner
- Our eInvoicing partner creates an electronic file, to the most commeonly used format in your market 
- The file is sent to your system. This may be direct, or via a third-party system, depending on your set-up
- This invoice is then either accepted by your system or rejected back to us in the event of a query
- The invoice is archived and you can access this document through a portal

Handling large volumes of paperwork, transferring data and manual reconciliation is eliminated. By boosting up your visibility, you will be able to improve your reporting and speed up your processing.

If your system is not capable of automating the invoicing process competely we can also send PDF invoices to your desired email inbox.

Providing you better order transparency and more control over your procurement process

Providing you better order transparency and more control over your procurement process